

Your recruiting efforts and your marketing should work hand in hand with one another.  However, most companies, whether professional recruiting firms or corporate employers, tend to miss the mark on adequately intertwining their marketing and hiring efforts.  SmartSearch’s marketing resources are curated around properly incorporating automated marketing functions into your hiring and onboarding process.

Why re-write your job descriptions
Since the Age of the Internet, job requirements and qualifications have become more extensive. Nowadays, many job descriptions no longer reflect the actual duties of the role. Consequently, a prospective candidate may not know what to expect in the day-to-day work. This was the topic of an insightful podcast hosted by iMPact Business Group, a strategic...
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SmartSearch WordPress Plugin Announced
Smart Search is proud to introduce New WordPress Plug-in and Web-hosting and Design Services for their users.  These enhancements add to the ability for employers to improve the candidate experience with their brand. SmartSearch WordPress Plug-in Enhancing your employer brand and improving the candidate experience. Talent acquisition begins with an engaging and professionally branded website...
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SmartSearch Website Hosting Services
SmartSearch New Website Hosting & Design Services Offerings SmartSearch is ecstatic to announce a new product and service, a WordPress job plug-in, website hosting, and web design service, which will be available as of July 2021. These features will boost the ability of clients to create a seamless UX for candidates, from discovering the job...
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A good time to sell staffing services
Volatile. Unprecedented. Turbulent. Whatever adjective you prefer to describe these times, one thing is certain: The staffing industry has never experienced anything like them. Right now, people’s priorities are shifted. Employers and individuals are struggling. And you may logically ask yourself: Is now really a good time to be selling? In a word, yes. If...
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staying visible is key for recruiters firms hoping to stay open during the pandemic
Right now, staying visible is critical for your staffing firm. With so many of us forced to work remotely, account managers and recruiters alike are getting creative: adapting their business practices and adopting new digital tools like video to thrive in this economy. Some firms have stepped up to the plate quickly, moving their training...
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The importance of marketing your open jobs in the pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the staffing industry. Some agencies have seen dramatic drops in business, while others (including those specializing in healthcare, IT, and distribution) are scrambling to meet essential employers’ demands. With so much uncertainty surrounding our industry (and the entire world), it’s critical to understand how the crisis is...
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modern day marketing for recruiting firms
Finding and keeping talented employees is not a small task. With the “war for talent” still surging strong, many companies are scrambling to find the right people to fill their positions. This sense of urgency and the struggle with the competition getting to these desired candidates first can sometimes lead companies down the wrong path....
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how recruiters compete with social media temp aps.
Are the temporary staffing apps popping up on social media just a nuisance – or are they a real threat to your staffing agency? If you’re unfamiliar, temp apps allow job seekers to create profiles and sign up for work right through their phones, enabling employers to completely bypass staffing agencies. There is no question...
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Modern Staffing Website Updates
Classified ads? The recruiter’s “little black book”? The weekly “hot candidate” fax? They’re marketing dinosaurs. In truth, most aspects of staffing, marketing and technology have evolved dramatically in the past 20 years – and websites have experienced some of the most sweeping transformations. Years ago, Web 2.0 changed the game for our industry, and there’s...
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Email ideas for hiring professionals
This time of year, we’re all busy.  Employers have projects to wrap up. Budgets to plan. Deadlines to hit. And for many, the holidays are the most active season of all.  Job seekers are busy, too. With the pressure of the holidays, many temporarily put their search on hold, vowing to pick things back up...
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