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Employers Learn New Recruitment Strategies at SourceU Hawaii

To help fill the gap between old and new recruitment methods, the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) Hawaii Chapter and the Social Media Club of Hawaii teamed up to present SourceU Hawaii 2019, an advanced training workshop on tactical candidate sourcing & recruiting, on Thursday, March 7, at the Prince Waikiki Hotel.

This comprehensive all-day seminar was attended by a cross-section of the Islands’ human resources, recruiting, and staffing industry professionals, corporate management executives, and small business owners looking for new ways to recruit and better compete in the local job market.

SourceU Hawaii 2019 was presented by rock-star sourcing pioneer Shally Steckerl of The Sourcing Institute (TSI), the first-ever online school dedicated to talent sourcing and recruiting, which has grown to become the fountainhead of knowledge for successful sources, recruiters, and talent acquisition leaders worldwide. Shally is recognized as a popular speaker from past Social Media Boot Camp events for Hawaii’s human resources, recruiting, and staffing in Honolulu.

Hawaii’s employers are clamoring for qualified workers while the current unemployment rate continues to hover around 2% in a shrinking labor pool. Local companies are desperately seeking new ways to find good employees. The hands-on program featured practical techniques for leveraging technology to recruit smarter, and more economically, with an emphasis on advanced talent sourcing to discover and engage prospective candidates.

The morning session began with an eye-opening segment on using Facebook to find kama’aina on the mainland and abroad, and how to attract them to career opportunities back home. Participants unlocked the secrets of Facebook, searching for current Hawaii residents, and past residents, finding where they gather in Groups and topical Pages, and how identifying the desired talent based on location, employer, and job skills in any industry.

A lively and interactive discussion of candidate attraction and engagement strategies looked at how to communicate with prospective candidates more effectively. Participants learned about the four types of communication styles, and how to combine social media, email, phone calls, and mobile outreach tricks with some psychological “people hacks” to get faster responses from prospects and increase their call-back ratio. This insight included a look at common mistakes and how to avoid them, as well as tips on the most persuasive communication methods.

Participants also learned advanced internet sourcing techniques, including Natural Language, Deep Web, and Peer Regression search to uncover hidden talent pools. For those who missed it, SmartSearch will present Shally Steckerl’s Deep Web search segment as a free Smart Practices webinar on March 27.


SourceU Hawaii was co-sponsored by the Prince Waikiki Hotel, Alaska Airlines, Kumabe HR, and SmartSearch applicant tracking software, with publicity and promotional support from the Hawaii Employers Council, Success Advertising Hawaii, and TH!NK.  All proceeds (minus expenses) benefit Scholarships for the University of Hawaii Shidler College of Business Masters in Human Resources Management, and The Sourcing Institute Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, that provides educational grants to veterans, active military spouses, and disabled individuals who would benefit from employment in the sourcing and recruiting industry.