Recently I was at a San Diego landmark called Seaport Village. For the first time in over a year, I had trouble finding a parking spot, and it made me smile. Why did I smile? 18 months ago, my perspective was that I was a busy guy and needed to park ‘now’. Today, my perspective on the same situation is life is returning back to normal, which is wonderful. What a difference a shift in perspective can make on any situation.
What does this have to do with recruiting, or with business in general? For me, it has reminded me that a struggle today may be an opportunity tomorrow if you have the right perspective.
It is a privilege knowing that each day is a chance to learn, to grow, to improve, regardless of what else is happening. How can you not be excited about what the future will bring when you take this perspective?
Here are some of the new things coming that will have you excited about the future of SmartSearch and our partnership together.
There are a lot of exciting things happening. Still, the most exciting part of this incredible journey for us is the privilege we have of working with so many amazing clients and companies as we strive to make SmartSearch the best it can be year after year.
That is a perspective I hope to never lose sight of.
All the best,
LJ Morris
President & CTO