In today’s competitive job market, recruiters must play two critical roles to ensure success.  Attract top candidates and market those candidates to clients and other potential employers.  Luckily, achieving these goals does not require doubling their workload.  How?  By employing a marketing strategy that uses candidate spotlighting, recruiters can effectively market their current candidate roster while attracting new talent.


How to Create an Effective Candidate Spotlight

Spotlighting candidates is all about connecting qualified candidates with your current clients or clients that may be conducting a more confidential search for the right employee.  But doing this requires a bit of effort on the front end.  The goal should be to market candidates based on their qualifications without disclosing any major information that could allow an employer to go directly to the candidate with an offer.

While creating a candidate spotlight does require finesse, it can be a differentiator for growing potential revenue.  In this article, we’ll explore the best methods for building your candidateRecruiting is becoming more like marketing spotlights.


Steps for Creating an Effective Candidate Spotlight

  1. Highlight but do not disclose:

While every recruiter wants to properly showcase the candidates who have entrusted them with their job search, they also have the responsibility for the data which they disclose through different channels.

As a result, some recruiters may employ a pseudonym when featuring their candidates or only disclose a small amount of information pertaining to the skill sets of their featured candidates.  While some believe that more information is needed to prevent the poaching of candidates by other recruiters, the lack of information creates less appeal when marketing.

To create a better balance between these two, recruiters should include the following:

    • Candidate Reference Number.
    • First Name.
    • Desired Job Title.
    • Industry Type.
    • High-Level Skills or Licensures.
    • Years of Experience.
    • Salary Range.
  1. Automate with digital candidate profiles:

Just as marketers create digital workflows to automate the generation of leads, recruiters should focus on crafting digital candidate profiles to let clients request and review information directly and without delay.

Profiles should Highlight the candidate’s unique selling points, key skills, and accomplishments in a concise and engaging manner. Use compelling language and storytelling techniques to capture the attention of potential employers and create an emotional connection.

By ensuring that the profiles are well-structured, visually appealing, and optimized for search engines, recruiters can effectively market and track client interactions.

  1. Embrace different content and distribution channels:

Visual content significantly impacts capturing attention and leaving a lasting impression. Using visually appealing infographics, presentations, or even video content to showcase their work and accomplishments.

These visuals can be shared across various social media platforms. Candidate spotlights can create a more substantial presence on professional networks like LinkedIn, where industry groups help you actively engage in relevant discussions in different industries.

Regularly sharing candidate spotlights, job openings, and industry insights to build credibility and attract the attention of both active and passive job seekers.

  1. Harness the power of video:

As of 2020, video has become the top global marketing tool for creating meaningful interactions.  Creating short video spotlights highlighting candidates’ key skills and experiences. Additionally, consider hosting live Q&A sessions or webinars where candidates can interact directly with potential employers, showcasing their expertise and building connections.


Candidate Sourcing demo with SmartSearch


Recruiters that embrace different marketing and social media techniques have a distinct advantage in matching their candidates with the best opportunities.  Crafting compelling candidate spotlights, utilizing visual content, leveraging social media networks, and building out a method for video distribution can differentiate their candidates and their recruiting firm from the competition.

If you are a recruiter looking for a true competitive advantage, including an industry-leading ATS and CRM, then SmartSearch is the system for you.  With SmartSearch, recruiting professionals can access several tools that help market to candidates and clients in one easy-to-implement platform. Discover how SmartSearch can help you reach your goals today.