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Doug Coull
what is the value of a great business partnership?
Doug: I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Dane Groeneveld, CEO of PTS Advance. As the recently appointed CEO of PTS, Dane brings a high-energy and enthusiastic verve to his role. In this segment, we discussed leadership, career journeys, partnerships, and why diversity and inclusion are essential to driving business.  Q: Doug: PTS has...
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woman raising hand in meeting
When I think about the words “inclusion” and “tolerance,” I envision two words that are polar opposites of each other. In today’s workforce, diversity and inclusion mean seeking, accepting and wanting people from different walks of life. Tolerance does not denote acceptance. It’s a hostile attitude of being faced with something you must accept but...
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How SmartSearch helps you become a magnet for Talent.
The tide has turned. What once was an employer’s market is now a job seeker’s delight. The unemployment rate is hovering around 4%, which we haven’t seen in the U.S. since the 1960s. This is excellent news for people seeking employment and has opened more options. Conversely, companies are adding jobs at a rapid rate,...
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be active and present when showing appreciation
Showing appreciation for what I have plays an important role in my life and business. I have the good fortune of working with great clients, wonderful vendor partners and dedicated and hardworking employees. These three groups have helped me to build a thriving business, and I am thankful for each and every one of them…...
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Intelligent business decisions for hiring software.
I want to disrupt how many people choose business software, specifically applicant tracking systems. I want to show people how to choose, maintain and optimize their software investment by thinking of new ways to understand the process from start to post-purchase. In the many years I’ve worked with clients and prospects, I’ve learned much from...
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recruiting in the social sphere
Initially, many people believed social media to be a fad, but it proved itself to be a fact over time. It was created by a society demanding entertainment and information at lightning-fast speeds, its growth is organic, and it thrives on societal energy. Social media provides an entrée into people’s lives you may not have...
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strategies to optimize your ATS
Tactics to make your ATS U/E a great one. Wrapping your arms around expectations Appropriately managing expectations is a critical, but often overlooked, process when implementing new systems. Management needs to take hold of the system adoption process and work with end-users in a supportive manner to ensure the system is being used to its...
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the real cost and revenue for company culture.
Cost, true value, and company culture (Part two of a three-part series) How do You Determine True Value? Current and future value for your business, value for the money paid and value for the end-users should be paramount in the decision-making process. In part one of this series, I offered advice on how to conduct...
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investing in enhancements for your ATS.
Investing in a new applicant tracking system This is a costly and time-consuming endeavor. It’s important to understand what is motivating you to make this purchase. Do you need to improve your current applicant tracking system? Does it need more flexibility to grow with your ongoing business needs? There are many good reasons for considering...
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Understanding the power of Employee advocacy
Why Does Culture and Advocacy Matter? There is a lot of research out there that supports the direct correlation between employee satisfaction and its impact on customer satisfaction.  When employees are engaged advocates, they will go the extra mile for the customer, seeking out alternate and better ways to deliver service that amazes and delights....
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